Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A clean bill of health....

is what our house got yesterday!!!! Woo-hoo!! What this means is that our foundation on the house is fine and we can start the kitchen remodel!!!!! For those of you that don't know our house was built in the early 1950's and we have been remodeling it a little at a time. We were getting everything in order to start the long awaited kitchen renovation when we started to notice new cracks in the wall.  Matt was concerned that it maybe a foundation issue and so we decided to have it checked out. It turns out it's nothing major and we can make some simple changes and it should correct itself!! YAY! This means, new kitchen here we come!!! The cabinets are picked out and they are going to come measure sometime next week. Hopefully.  We bought a new sink a couple of weeks ago. Here's a pic...I never thought I'd be this excited about a sink! lol! It came with a cutting board and strainer that fits and the middle part is where the disposal will be. Pretty nifty if you ask me! ;)

Matt and I went last weekend to pick out facets, lighting and found some things we liked but we haven't decided on anything yet....maybe this weekend.....

Also, last week our buffet table we ordered arrived!!!

 We found the lamp at Crate and Barrel. FYI: everyone in the Dallas area the Crate and Barrel by the Galleria is moving locations and pretty much everything in the store is 50% off or more! Now we need to get a mirror or picture to hang over it.

It's all starting to come along!! I'll keep you updated with all the renovations as they come!

I do have to be a doting Auntie before I go and leave you with some new pictures of our nephew Paxton. He is getting bigger everyday and he is now a pro at crawling, pulling up, and his newest trick is waving! Matt and I were on skype the other day with him and my sister and Pax started waving at us! lol I love that boy!

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